extended family

Big Family with Big Smiles

Stephanie reached out to me and asked if I happened to be available for this extended family shoot...tomorrow (less than 36 hours!). I'm so thankful that she reached out to me on her family trip in Taipei from the Philippines! From the moment I saw this family on the sidewalk, I knew it was going to be a fun session. Everyone had big smiles on their faces, each one of their steps had a bounce, and I could feel their love for each other just oozing out from their hearts.

I've shared some small world stories on my blog before:

  1. Small world moment#1
  2. Small world moment#2

And now here's a 3rd:

During the shoot, I shared that I lived in Tianmu and that I moved to Taipei to help start a local church in 2019. Stephanie mentioned that her cousin also lives in Tianmu and when we were done for the day, we said jokingly, "See you in Tianmu!" Then the next day, I received a text from Stephanie saying that her cousin knows me and goes to the same church as me! How crazy is that!

I love moments like this--where this big world suddenly becomes so small.