Hi there!

I'm Kristen, also known as KWei (pronounced as kay-way). I'm a photographer based in Taipei, Taiwan, and am originally from Seattle, Washington. I started taking photos because I am a total maximizer--always trying to squeeze every ounce of enjoyment and opportunity from all of my experiences. For me, looking at photos help elongate those feelings of joy beyond time and location. I love the power that photos give us to revisit past moments of joy, pride, and love.

When I look through my camera's viewfinder, I am captivated by the beauty I see in this world that God created. My hope is that my photos will remind you to enjoy your life, embrace it as a gift, and cherish the season that you're in--you're exactly where you need to be. I would be honored to get to capture the candid moments of love, laughter, and intimacy between you and the people you love, and to help document the story of your life. It is a very sweet and precious thing.

When I'm not taking photos, you can probably find me at the beach, eating snacks, or singing while hiking up a mountain. Let's go on an adventure together! I would love to get to know you.

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