情侶 / 台北市 / 士林戶政事務所

a couple signing marriage certificate at the Shilin Household Registration Office
a couple with their dog at Shilin Household Registration Office
a couple with their dog at Shilin Household Registration Office
a couple with their dog at Shilin Household Registration Office
husband kissing the bride at Shilin Household Registration Office
bride and baby at the Shilin Household Registration Office
the bride with her friends at the Shilin Household Registration Office
a couple with their dog at Shilin Household Registration Office
a couple with their dog at Shilin Household Registration Office
a boy proposing to a girl at Shilin Household Registration Office
a couple at Taipei City Shilin District Household Registration Office
a couple at Taipei City Shilin District Household Registration Office
a couple with their parent at Shilin District Household Registration Office
a couple with friends at Shilin District Household Registration Office
a couple with their friend at Shilin District Household Registration Office
a newly married couple with friends at Shilin District Household Registration Office
the newly wed with friends at Shilin District Household Registration Office
the newly wed with friends at Shilin District Household Registration Office
newly wed receive their new IDs at Shilin District Household Registration Office
a newly wed receive their new IDs at Shilin District Household Registration Office
a couple with their married IDs at Shilin District Household Registration Office
a couple with flowers at Shilin District Household Registration Office
a couple with their puppy at Shilin District Household Registration Office
a couple kissing in elevator at Shilin District Household Registration Office
a couple walking out of the Shilin District Household Registration Office